In order to bring your vision to life, you must grow the right talent AND love the hell out of them. 

And that only happens with the right strategy in place because having the right people in the right seats matters. When people are in the wrong roles they suck your time and energy. 

But, also leading the right way matters. You can have the best talent the world has to offer but if you don't have the right processes in place to properly elevate that talent you risk burning not only yourself out but the very talent you so desperately need to help your business run.

When you have the magic formula of the right people and the right processes you can:

  • Focus each team member’s time on their zone of genius to increase productivity.
  • Increase communication to let go of assumptions, create buy-in, and empower each team member.
  • Create repeatable processes that can easily pass between team members.
  • Increase your ability to become the true visionary of your team or company.
  • Work fewer hours while creating a more impactful business.

But sometimes you need to remove people and this can be a great experience, if it's done the right way

Letting Go of Talent is a Delicate Matter

When you let someone go, it's important to do it the right way, empowering the employee to market themselves to other organizations. Whether a member of your team is let go due to downsizing, wrong fit, or restructuring, you want to know they have the tools to flourish elsewhere.

In the past 6 years, I've helped 2,500 displaced employees find their place and their power again to find and land new opportunities using their unique gifts and talents. 

With over 15 years in the corporate world working with budgets, processes, and people

I can help you streamline your time, team, and vision to finally create white space for innovation.

Armed with an undergrad in Supply Chain, a Georgia Tech MBA and a Robbins-Madanes (yes, Tony Robbins!) life coaching certification, I've been streamlining processes for productive results for start-ups to Fortune 500 companies.

As a career coach and corporate leader, I’ve seen the most common mistakes people make over and over - many I learned through my own failures. I ended that vicious cycle when I took charge of my life. Your team is next!


Meet The Team

When I set out to build a team, my clients’ words echoed in my mind. I knew with the right people, processes, communication, and encouragement, anything was possible. Detail-oriented, deadline-driven, and on fire to help our clients find what they love in their life and put it in their work, meet the amazing Your Life, Your Coach team.

Jessica Smith

Customer Support

Jessica is dedicated to tackling all the things that slow us down, helping our team reclaim their time and sanity. Her expertise allows us to focus on what matters most, ensuring we deliver the best to our clients.

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Erin Lariscy

Director of Data Analytics

Do you have someone that sees your business from a numbers perspective? Erin has increased our efficiencies so that we can serve more clients. She forecasts the next right step to better serve you, our customer.

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